Thursday, February 6, 2014

LIVRO DO MES - Revisão e Sugestão de Leitura - BOOK OF THE MONTH - February 2014, book review. 


Malcolm Gladwell wrote this book "David and Goliath - Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants" (Little, Brown and Company, USA 2013) certainly thinking about some insights that he drew from the Bible book of 1 Samuel 16:7.  Chapter One says it all, why little David defeated the powerful giant Goliath. Mr. Gladwell openly interpreted the Bible's account to show us that not so little and troubled things have an outstanding other side, an impact that hides a powerful secret, bringing light to an unusual discourse. It's a must read book especially for those troubled by burdens and dilemmas, with an eye on writers known by a non theological approach. 

 " He tries something really difficult; change the way one can view the his or her own life and world. Gladwell's task is to take things that are universally seen as weaknesses and turn them on their heads and show that anything can be used as an advantage. And that no one is ever a lost cause. Horrible experiences that arise from developing dyslexia, losing one's parents as a young child, to even enduring relentless bombing in the World War II, can galvanize an individual or even a larger community into doing extraordinary things. If these burdens can be helpful and empowering to the countless examples that Gladwell uses then perhaps if we all never give up when dealing with our own personal obstacles we can thrive as well. This book is very  uplifting and inspiring without ever making light of any of the obstacles that are discussed and that is perhaps the most impressive part of what Gladwell is attempting."  Rick C. Eduardo

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