Tuesday, February 11, 2014

5. BIBA - Biblioteca IBVN - Critica de Livros. 

JOYCE MEYER's book. For those able to read English, is a must read book.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord – Defeating life’s struggles through worship”. ( Harrison House Tulsa OK, 1982). A very suggestive title of a fascinating book written by a woman, a missionary, a preacher, a wife, a church leader, and  a human being deeply involved with the Word of God. Joyce Meyer is a known woman of God, for whom personal commentaries are unnecessary.  And at this book she extensively makes use of the word of God, within a dense and abundant way, as to say that there’s no other path in life to manifest the love and obedience to God except by following what the Word says. She begins with a profound reference to the Word of God to express what the book is about, that is, showing  us that fear and love do not coexist in fact, but except in an atmosphere of total lack of knowledge of the Word, by telling what 1st. John stresses in 4:8.  “There is not fear in love” says John, and Joyce Meyer’s preoccupation is to make possible a substantially contextualized meaning of the word by adding a subtle explanation of it, as to add a supportive understanding. That goes around all her book, filled with the most precious amount of verses. As a master in her field, she teaches us how to cope with fear, as to show us that there is no reason to tremble, since our every day battle belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ. The book also outlines very uplifting and meaningful thoughts about the Word in the field of daily battle fought by Christians, when presenting a sort of substantial contents drawn from the Word of God, like, say, step by step, it does show how to win the daily struggle against fear.  Part one shows the contents of The Battle Belongs to the Lord, followed by part Two, Transformed through Worship, where in both, the Word is everywhere the sword of knowledge guiding us towards victory. This is a very insightful reading, recommended for those in search for powerful ways to walk the path of daily encouragement with the Word at hand and inside our hearts. IBVN Library has this single volume of her book in English.  

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