Friday, July 9, 2021



“Matthew wrote the marvels of Christ for the Hebrews,

Mark for Italy, Luke for Achaia,

But John, the great herald, the heaven-wanderer

Wrote for all.”


(Carmina dogmatica, 1.12.6-9, trans. In Gregory of Nazianzus)


A identidade relativa à autoria do Evangelho de João está clara para muitos teólogos que apareceram até mesmo antes do final do século IV da Era Cristã. Indubitavelmente, o apóstolo João foi o autor do 4º. Evangelho, embora seu nome não tenha sido elucidado nas páginas desse Evangelho, mas referido como “ O discípulo a quem Jesus amava”. Para muitos até hoje, a dúvida com relação à sua autoria ainda persiste. (Cf. BAS – Biblical Archaelogical Society, November 8, 2020), mas as evidências no próprio 4º. Evangelho apontam para o apóstolo João como seu autor. Relativamente à autoria do 4º. Evangelho, Kevin Quast em “ Reading the Gospel of John” afirma à página 4, o seguinte: “ In the patristic writings of the second to the fourth centuries we see how the Beloved Disciple came to be associated with the name John…”  (Reading the Gospel of John – An Introduction, revised edition by Kevin Quast, Paulist Press, NY./Mahwah, NJ. USA 1996). Em “The Gospel of John in Modern Interpretation”, by Stanley E. Porter and Ron C. Fay, nós lemos o seguinte:  

“From the second century on, there is evidence, even if it is not as abundant as one would like, of the early church fathers knowing John’s gospel, as evidenced through their various types of citations of it (e.g. Ignatius, Magn. 8.2; Justin Martyr, I Apology 61), to the point that Irenaeus (AD 130-202) places John’s gospel with the other three gospels as reflecting the four directions of the compass (Adv. Haer. 3.11.8). It is only natural that their similarities and differences incited thought regarding their relationship. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215), probably writing soon after Irenaeus, inadvertently identifies three features of John’s gospel that have persisted as 

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