Saturday, March 22, 2014

 What Hollywood is showing nowadays. 3

One of the quotes offered in support of the "Noah" film (Image source: Cooke Pictures/Vimeo)The movie “NOAH”(Noé) is a “pro-faith” and pro-God movie produced by Paramount Pictures, and also produced by a Christian named Phil Cooke. It’s a challenge production that director Darren Aronofoky’ team “faced in taken the Bible story and converting it into a feature film”. The Bible story taken by its producer and director made  freely distinct interpretations, since the OT. Book of Genesis do not present emotions or facts, or characteristics of life inside the arc. Actually the movie is such an incredibly story taken from a Bible short story, that leaves a lot of space for the producer’s imagination. Nothing wrong about that, though. “Gregory Thornbury, from the King’s College, a Christian school in New York City, said that “NOAH” captures what is truly a “horrifying story” about the seriousness of human sinfulness – and that the film dives quite deeply into religious themes.” The question is: Why is Hollywood diving deep into this, and why it’s so concern about Bible themes? You probably know the answer. Is the world changing, or in other words, is humankind changing? If you need more insights on the subject see the book of Genesis, chapter 6. March 28 in Theatres and IMAX everywhere in the US.   

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