Saturday, September 24, 2016

So is our life on Earth.
One day we are born, another
Memories of back in the day
Like on the epitaph lay
Names lasting on our mother
While eyes see heart in dismay.
So is our life on Earth.
What passes by and outstands
Lasts longer under trees whose shades
The wicked will kill away from the lands,
From a time beyond time that never fades.
So is our life on Earth.
One day we cover ourselves with matter
And another it will cover our bones full
Of memories of places never better
Than the ones we thought of being dull.
So is our life on Earth.
What seems to be futile will get to be
Eternal one day when the heart
In disquietude will open and see
How easy is to leave youth apart.
So is our life on Earth.
My thoughts flying like hard abstracts
Will hit the walls of your sensual room
Telling you about my concrete acts
And thirteen years of love will soon
Be forgiven five minutes of facts
In which I cheated you under the moon.
So is our life on Earth.
If we could weight our sins and doom
We’d want the vain heart to rebirth.
JP. Eduardo. 

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