Wednesday, August 30, 2023


CAP. 5

- I will not allow my mind to wander between judgments, thoughts and embarrassing situations, trying to denigrate it with nonsense and uncontrollable hatred. After all, it never crossed my mind to abandon my family or my daughter's life. But I know that for my wife, I am and will always be her true death trust. After all, what is life, love and hate in the same dimension? If there is reason in her thoughts and in her words, what does it matter to me whether I comply or not, if she herself can never conceive of me as a blameless man? Biel thought about having her the same way he always had her in his love.

The days passed as if in a surrealist vision, like an unbearable burden, which he carried in silence, a disturbance of his heart in a trance of love for someone who didn't love him. And that silence remained immutable, added to his being like a greenish amalgam, impregnating his life, his feelings, and emotions, preventing him from running to the empty places of his intimate, intangible freedom. During the night, while she slept, Biel watched her from under the dim light of her room, where the night shadows gently adored them. But Biel only watched over her deep sleep, her inaccessible mind, crying out for immediate solutions, the rupture that enters the soul and made her cool off from the day-to-day dilemmas, like a veil that obscures her eyes. How long does the vision of death last in the integrality of a human being who suffers the insurmountable losses caused by the dualisms of life? Biel understood himself as a man without fault, a father longed for frustrations arising from mere causality. There was a blockade coming from the shadows of the night that prevented him from free flight to the dimension of peace of mind, an imaginary, impenetrable wall. How long would both suffer such a duality, love and hate permeating their being, at the same time and without interruption?

As we said, the days passed like a night bird, alone, but the dimension of pain seemed to insist, overwhelming your dreams, your joys, and until when could we fall into that bottomless pit that life is transparent?

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