Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Dynamics of Miracles 1

Miracles are the most exciting part of the Bible. They’re everywhere, in the Old as well as in the New Testament. The difference is that Jesus is a presence in most of the ones in the New Testament. They are a part of the narration of the Bible as the true Word of God. They represent not only the glory of Jesus at work but they also stand as part of the word of glory, the practical part of a live word performed by Jesus or by a person of faith with strong convictions.

Miracles are essentially something inexplicable by human reason or by proof of experimentation and they are made on the benefits of human needs. They occur according to a purpose and follow a plan of divine engineering.  They have a beginning and end, purpose, cause and effect, motivation and essentially bring in a structure of a profound breakthrough. In other words, they produce a great outcome, a powerful result of changing human and nature’s laws as well as the expectations of the human mind.

Miracles are performed by God alone; in a sense that God is behind the performed wonders and signs. But what are miracles made for? Why do they exist in the first place? Do they occur at a place and time where God is calling attention to his existence? Are they a sort of verification of a true God at work? Or are they a matter of mere coincidence?

Followers of Judaism do not believe in miracles as they were performed in the Old Testament, but that they represent a congruence of forces that constitute an interaction between God, humans and nature and these three forces combine to convey a specific outcome. If there is no interaction between those three forces, there would be no miracles.  But this suggestion does not take into consideration the approach to a specific force or element called Jesus Christ. According to Jewish beliefs, there are no miracles because they are not part of an existing interaction between those three elements. The lack of one ingredient results in no miracles. But miracles do exist in the Old Testament. God’s loving power towards his people conveys them, even though that their sins made dwell among people. Because of the prevalence of human sin, there’s no interaction, I mean, the interaction between these powerful elements if they're combined -- Jesus, human faith and nature. Jesus breaks through the boundaries of sin by interacting with human faith towards the forces of nature. If there is no faith, there are no miracles.  If there is no Jesus, miracles become a real impossibility. If there is no nature, even human nature, they represent a failure.
JP. Eduardo. 

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