Wednesday, October 23, 2013

God here Today1


Seremos infelizes pelos pecados nossos de cada dia,
Nao pelo desprezo das maes que sao insensatas
A beira de insana incredulidade.

Seremos infelizes pela inusitada visao opaca da razao,
Nao pelo desejo implacavel de retinas insasiaveis
A devorar pilhas de livros indigentes.

Seremos infelizes pela insondavel impureza do coracao
E por sua carencia enigmatica,
Nao pelo desejo inato de afeto jazente no ser.

Seremos infelizes pela lentidao de nossos olhos cerrados
E pela secura de lagrimas que ja nao brotam e nao vem.
Nao pela avidez de bocas que sonham sorrindo.

Seremos infelizes por causa do choro da amada
E por sua distancia e o assedio dos tolos.
Nao porque suas lagrimas tenham gosto a mel.

Seremos infelizes por sermos de pedra,
Ou por encenarmos que nao.
Nao porque tenhamos corpos imortais.

Seremos infelizes porque o somos,
Nao porque sejamos aquilo que nao somos,
Mas porque nossos sorrisos ocultam que o fomos.                           Poema 7


Well be unhappy by our daily sins
Not by the contempt of mothers who are foolish
At the edge of  insane incredulity.

Well be unhappy through our unusual blurry vision of reason,
Not by the unforgiving desire of insatiable retinas
Devouring piles of  destitute books.

Well be unhappy through the unfathomable impurity of heart
And by its enigmatic need
Not by the innate desire for affection lying within.

Well be unhappy through the sluggishness of our closed eyes
And by the dryness of tears that no longer spring forth and come.
Not by the greed of mouths that dream with a smile.

Well be unhappy because of the weeping of our beloved
And her distance and the harassment of fools,
Not because her tears have the taste of honey.

Well be unhappy because were made of stone,
Or because we pretend not to,
Not because we have immortal bodies.

Well be unhappy because were that,
Not because we might be what were not,
But because our smiles hide what we were once.                                  Poem 7

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