Thursday, March 9, 2017

These are the last words from the Book of MALACHI, chapter 4, verses 5 and 6, the last book of the OLD TESTAMENT. Some commentaries say that these words referred to John the Baptist affirming that he sought to accomplish this ( See Lk 1:17 ). But these are words addressed to FAMILIES today as well as in the past. GOD, who will see the accomplishment of this, is the one that will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents. In other words, nothing is supposed to be broken between the relationship of both parents and children, And also, the Principle of Parents Authority CANNOT  be broken among both relationship, in a sense that there are no prior conditions or restrictions whatsoever raising from that relationship. Even though both, parents and children should be responsible for their words or thoughts stressed among each other, their hearts should be connected.  Take a look and have a proper reflection on these words. Almost 400 years later, or few pages after on your Bible, God raised CHRIST JESUS, in the Book of Matthew chapter 1, verse 1, What we have is THE GENEALOGY OF CHRIST, only Christ will make that possible, restoring the hearts of Parents and Children to each other!     

A DINÂMICA DO PERDÃO - 8   O alerta existe em função da riqueza de conceitos envolvendo a ideia de livre-arbítrio . É algo essencialmente op...