Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ainda sobre as ideologias malignas que influenciam o mundo.

                Como dissemos anteriormente,  existem várias ideologias que tomaram como num arrastão, centenas de milhares de pessoas ao mesmo tempo, e que assolaram um importante segmento da sociedade como um todo, principalmente a partir do início do século XX. O que vimos acerca de Saul Alinsky (um marxista sem a bandeira vermelha) e seu livro influente, foi o mínimo que pudemos constatar a respeito de um livro apenas, claro, de influência devastadora sobre pessoas que se sentiram fascinadas por suas teses em “Rules for Radicals” ( onde ele na verdade promove uma revolução neo-marxista ) que posteriormente se tornaram influentes.  Obama, como Michelle Obama e Hillary Clinton, e muitos outros seguidores, costumavam usar tais teses como sua verdadeira Biblia, se tornaram discipulos de Alinsky e se constituem na verdade, parte de um contingente de outros ideólogos que buscaram alternativas nos ideais revolucionários de Karl Marx, nos Estados Unidos da América, a nação onde o capitalismo-liberal é mais afluente.  Mas, o que é realmente esse outro personagem da história político-idelogica do planeta, é o que veremos nesse e noutros artigos desta série, que busca, além de desvendar parte da influência massiva de certas ideologias, entender o porque dessa congluência de idéias voltadas para Karl Marx e seus discípulos, e o que originou de tais idéias na mente de gerações e gerações de intelectuais, ideólogos, estudantes e até mesmo dentro da Igreja Cristã ao redor do mundo. Isso nos interessa muito, porque o que afetou a estrutura da Igreja Cristã, principalmente a Igreja Católica, (o que serviu de força motivacional para os Evangélicos) nos primórdios do século XX, de alguma forma influênciou também os rumos que o Evangelismo tomou dentro e fora da igreja, de que forma ele atuou, de que forma ele se tornou eficiente e também ineficaz, e de que forma hoje nós sentimos que uma mudança de metodologia precisa se  posicionar positivamente na pregação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, dentro e fora da Igreja Cristã, para que o espectro do Marxismo – não só das idéias de Marx, mas também no Marxismo Cultural que nos permite vislumbrar potencialmente o eclodir do que alguns chamam de “Guerra Cultural” no mundo de hoje -,  seja derrotado e erradicado definitivamente, e que a glória seja apenas de Jesus Cristo.  Isso nós veremos nos artigos que se seguem a partir de agora, onde procuraremos mostrar ainda as raizes historicas do Marxismo, a formação de grupos e ideias baseadas nessa tradição ideológica, o surgimento do Marxismo Cultural, sua profunda influência satânica em diversos setores da sociedade moderna e pós-moderna, e o surgimento de grupos extremistas radicais que avançam impiedosamente contra o Cristianismo em diversos países da África, Ásia e Oriente Médio, como influência também do Marxismo, buscando por ideal instaurar um novo modelo civilizacional no mundo, a partir da destruição dos pilares da civilização ocidental, baseados principalmente e acima de tudo na herança ético-cultural e religiosa deixada pelo Judaismo/Cristianismo, pela Filosofia Grega e pelo legado do Código de Direito Romano.  A seguir.

Today at IBVN new members being added to the Body of Christ at New Life Baptist Church. Proof enough that the Holy Spirit is bringing those who will be saved by faith and by the Grace of God. We thank Jesus for the growing power of His Body in the USA., through our community of faith here in Medford Massachusetts USA. 
Today At IBVN (Igreja Batista Vida Nova - New Life Baptist Church) Grupo de Dança se apresentando em Louvor a Jesus. The Dance Group Ministry rendering grace to Jesus through dance and worship. Body in motion, souls in reverence to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Biblioteca Vida Nova - BIBA - Critica de Livros.
"The Gospel in The Marketplace of ideas", "Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World" by Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak. IVP Academic D.Grove, Illinois 2014. 
In this great book, imagine Paul preaching in first century Athens, the center for culture and philosophy of the liberal achievements of Greek people! Democracy was in its climax and all the great thoughts and ideas of Greek philosophers spreading all over the city and the cultural milieu.  Athens, and the Mars Hill Square was a glimpse of the most vivid cultural arena in first century Europe. Something like the old good times of Quartier Latin in Paris, France, or the Greenwich Village in New York city, USA, or anywhere in the world where philosophical culture it's concentrated and vibrant. Paul spoke about the Power of the Gospel in the marketplace of ideas in Athens, where, among others, Athens was the center of Greek philosophy and the well known philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, Zeno, Epictetus, Seneca. When Paul visited Athens, as told in the book of Acts, he also found an equally multicultural and multireligious setting. From Jews to Gentiles, elite to poor people, slaves and slaveowners, from oliveskinned gentiles from dark-skinned Ethiopians. The Greco-Roman world was a great and dynamic mix of everything possible, like the world today. A wide variety of religions were practiced, with the cult of emperor worship being the most prominent. But today we have the idolatry of men and images. The idolatry of money and power, the idolatry of evil idols, and so fourth. Many also frequented the temples for the traditional Greek pantheon and participated in the secret rituals of the mystery religious.  Mars Hill is the other name for the Athens Areopagus, where Paul met Athens intellectuals. He preached the truth of the Gospel of Jesus by addressing his thoughts over the "statue" of the Unknown God. Actually there was no statue, but only the prevailing truth of the Gospel. Despite the truth and the power of God's word, Paul was not ignorant of the dominant ideas in his days, and we shouldn't be either. "The Gospel in The Marketplace of Ideas" is a great book, not only for its historical and philosophical insights, but also when teaching us the approach of Paul's Evangelism in a complex world, that serves as a model for today's Christian churches evangelical outreach. Great book for a current issue, thoughtful, insightful and profoundly connected to our today's world.   

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thoughts on Paul’s letter to the Philippians,
in Philippians 2:12-13
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”(NIV)
Father, in Jesus' name I put my words and thoughts into your hands now, and I surrender myself to your grace, knowing that according to the words we just read, it is you who works in us to will and to act, for your own glory. In Jesus name we thank you, amen.  
This is a great letter from Paul where he shares the love of Christ while showing his love for his beloved Philippians. This is a letter written by an apostle getting closer to the end of his life.   Even though we know that the letter to the Philippians wasn’t his last letter (2nd Timothy was the last one), it’s an expression of concern, love and motivation for brothers and sisters of a church like many other Christian churches founded by Paul and around world. Additionally,besides being the first European church founded by Paul, the church in Philippi was known for its great support for him. Paul’s concerns are mostly expressed by his call for working out salvation with fear and trembling. Love and motivation were both expressions of the call to use the fear of God as the beginning of knowledge. Paul never quoted the OT on this letter, but when he said the words “fear and trembling”, he is, certainly quoting Proverbs 1:7 without mentioning it. Furthermore, the context of the verses we just read, 12th and 13th of chapter 2, has been determined by the text of the whole previous chapter, but especially over verses 14 and 20 of chapter 1.
In those 2 verses, Paul is convinced that his courage and endurance to preach the gospel of Jesus, was reinforced by the fact that he was in chains and he fears God. “Because of my chains,” Paul says, “most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly”. Once again he calls for the principle of fear as the beginning of knowledge, but also I’m convinced that Paul is calling the Philippians to rely on encouragement and fearlessly as a matter of protecting the church against oppression and persecution. (Specially against Judiazers and Antinomians and all the threats from Roman Empire). Because of this, he rejoices, as do we. This verse (Philippians 1:14) allows us to ask the question deep in our hearts: due to Christ’s sufferings on the cross, are we feeling encouraged to speak and to live the word of God more courageously and fearlessly? Can we rejoice with him? It’s seems that Paul misses that point in the question. However, in verse 20, Paul looks up to express intense desire to proclaim sufficient courage to the point that he’ll let Christ be exalted in his body, “whether by life or by death”, he says in verse 20, chapter 1.
Paul wrote a letter to express love to his brothers at Philippi, as we said. This is a love of being with them, a love that longs for their living together, for caring and presence like a father searching for his children. He advises them to stay with Christ.  It is as if Paul begins to feel that the end of his battle on preaching the gospel of the Lord is getting closer to an end. He misses his brothers at Philippi and this feeling is clearly perceived as the letter stresses it throughout its words. At certain point, Paul describes desires to go way to be with Christ as a deep feeling and yearning. Should he be alone in the darkness of a prison, a man of sorrow, a man of sufferings, in chains, a criminal alike asking himself, what has happened to me to be in this cold prison? But as he certainly knew, this was for God’s sake, therefore the answer to this question. It was for the love of Christ. For the same love he asks the Philippians to work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
As we read the letter, we soon understand why Paul seems to insist in an intense love for his brothers, in the question "should I go to Christ, or should I stay with you, as you wish?" He deeply expresses his love for the church he built with faith and pain. We can feel the declaration of his heart toward his beloved brothers and sisters. “I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of incense. All beautiful you are, my darling”, he seems to say, like in Song of Songs, 4:6-7. Christ himself should be feeling sorrow and love, watching both, Paul and the church at Philippi from heaven. Christ knew the depths of Paul’s suffering, because Christ himself told Ananias in Acts 9 verse 16: “I will show him how much he must suffer for my name”, way before Paul starts preaching. But soon Paul wakes from sorrow to joy with Philippians in verse 26 Chapter 1: “So that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me”. Shortly afterwards, Paul will say the words that fulfill verses 12 and 13 of the second chapter. Soon Paul’s heart will be moving on to an expression of encouragement toward his beloved from Philippi. “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel”. Whatever happens, you stand firm. Whatever happens, fight for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with fear and trembling. Whatever happens to you, on behalf of Christ,  believe in him in all circumstances. You will suffer for him, because as you know, suffering as well as faith is a blessing for his followers. It is an expression of commitment that Christians everywhere will face one day in their lives and ministries. Love is greater than sufferings as Christ’s love demonstrates toward his church everywhere.
 We cannot know exactly what the time frame is between one missionary journey and the other, or what really happened between the time Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians, and when he had a chance to deliver it. The letter shows an endurance of love that today’s missionary journeys can’t sustain.  One thing we do know, though, is that the salvation mentioned in chapter 2 verse 12, either refers to deliverance from the difficulties God brings upon the disobedient or to deliverance through the trials that the faithful experience in everyday life. It is believed that Paul was in prison by the time he wrote this letter, certainly he was filled with fear and trembling.
Moving from one point to another, Paul seems to transmit in his letter all the struggles he faces for the brothers he misses as in the same unit of feelings. As if, even though he’s far from them, they belong to the same spiritual body. He seems to say that not even distance produces   difference. “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” (Philippians 2:1-2.) Paul now is declaring one of the greatest thoughts of this letter.  The next time Paul mentions the word “Purpose” he calls the Philippians to endurance and perseverance, fear and trembling, as a pivotal expression of his state of mind and spirit. In Paul’s letter and struggle, “like-minded” means supporting chains and suffering for the love of Christ. If you as a Christian elsewhere struggle due to persecution, prison, misfortune and death over the Christian churches at this time, I will do the same here in chains.
 But he did it, like Paul seems to say, I did it and I want you to do in the same way, as you brothers and sisters, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling the way I did. If God keeps me strong up to this point in my life, he will do the same to you. Because God is the one that works in you, - as He did in me -, to will and to do, according to his good purpose. It is God who keeps us connected in love, even though you are far away from me.  The experience of Paul shows the life of a man who really would love to be with his brothers in Philippi. By showing his identity and his Christian-like character, Paul is as one in Christ as he wants to be with the Philippians. His letter is a real expression of the love that Christ put in his heart and that he wanted to pour out in his brother’s minds and hearts. Amen.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hoje,dia 6 de Dezembro de 2015, nossa Igreja teve o privilégio e a honra de receber novos membros. Prova incontestável de que o Espírito Santo tem acrescido ao Corpo de Cristo em Medford, MA (USA) mais e mais membros, que vem somar, e se comprometer com o Plano de Deus nos Estados Unidos da América. A todos os novos membros nossa calorosa acolhida, nosso apoio incondicional, e o apelo de que precisamos juntar esforços para juntos trabalharmos pelo Reino e pela salvação de Almas.
(Brothers and sisters added as new members of the church today. This is the real proof that the Holy Spirit is bringing those who will be saved. So, the Church is doing ok, growing in a steady and strong footsteps, following the steps of our leader and master, as Christ grows in our hearts, throughout the city and the whole country. Glory be to the God of Israel, that sustains his church as the salt of the Earth and light of the World. And Glory be to JESUS CHRIST his son and God and our only Savior. Amen!) 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Philippiens 1:27-28

Seulement, conduisez-vous d'une manière digne de l'Evangile de Christ, afin que, soit que je vienne vous voir, soit que je reste absent, j'entende dire de vous que vous demeurez fermes dans un même esprit, combattant d'une même âme pour la foi de l'Evangile, 28sans vous laisser aucunement effrayer par les adversaires, ce qui est pour eux une preuve de perdition, mais pour vous de salut; et cela de la part de Dieu,…

My beloved French people. It's time to bring your heart and mind back to your faith in Christ. France deserves better hope and future. Christ should be the stronghold of your souls. Only France along with Him will make a powerful difference throughout your entire life. Think about that, before fear and trembling returns into your path. Give yourselves and your brilliant minds a tiny part of faith in Christ. Vive la France with Christ. Why not? (You don't know how much He loves you. And so do we.)
My heart is

A DINÂMICA DO PERDÃO - 8   O alerta existe em função da riqueza de conceitos envolvendo a ideia de livre-arbítrio . É algo essencialmente op...